Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Rugby fitness training - How to build muscle and core strength.

How to build muscle - Fast and effective methods to build mass.

The core - The heart of your strength and performance.

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Rugby fitness training

It was another great weekend of rugby and I am sure you noticed just how big most of these professional rugby players are these days. As you will know there is more to rugby than size yet it is still a big goal for many players I work with.

The first article today cuts to the chase and details how you can rapidly gain muscle and do it in a way that will help your rugby performance and make you bigger.

The second article revisits the core. It is amazing how many players do not incorporate these techniques despite the wide spread publicity about it. The article today explains how to activate and strengthen the core muscles. Revisiting the core is the fastest way to become functionally strong on the rugby field.

If you need any help to maximise your abilities and dominate on the rugby field then consider my Rugby Mentor or Rugby Nutrition courses.

Hope your training is going well

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching

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