Issue 166:
- Fifty reasons you are not in shape - VIDEO and Pdf download
- Fitness profile - Compare your running to your stretching or strength
- Daily motivation tip - What is really stopping you succeeding?
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one2one nutrition news
The first article follows on from last week. If eating too much fat is not the reason you are not in the shape you want to be then what is? The video and / or article today outlines more than 50 reasons you may be struggling to get results. This is from looking at the causal factors of health. If you take this approach it will transform your view of results and it will be one big stride in the right direction.
The second article details the fitness profile testing system I Pioneered. It allows you to compare your strength versus your stretching or your jogging. It gives a complete view of that very general term fitness.
The final link is form my Daily Motivational Tips and details the real element that are blocking success. You may be surprised that it is not the thing you think it is.
Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London Personal Trainer
Rugby Titness Training