Thursday, 22 July 2010

5 healthy foods that make people fat, the top 10 gym mistakes Part 2 & around the world in 80 days

Issue 184:

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The first article is detailing five foods that many people consider healthy yet more often than not make you fat. The whole concept of healthy living that we have today is flawed and thus around 70% of the population is overweight. For the number to be this high it cannot be because we sneak the odd bit of bad food here or there. It can only be because our total model of what is healthy is flawed. That is the only explanation that could account for 7 in 10 people not being in the shape their genetics designed them to be in.

The second article carries on from last week detailing a numbers 6 to 10 in the top ten gym mistakes. If you do exercise you will make much better progress and enjoy it more when you eradicate these problems. If you are still not exercising, I will repeat what I said last week. GET UP and do something. Your body hates inactivity and wants you to get some blood flowing.

The final article details what happens when happens if you start looking at people around the world and the differences we exhibit between person to person. The medical model views us as all the same, to allow standardised procedures -in the real world we are far from this. Read more about how this applies for your body and getting results.

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London Personal Trainer
Rugby Titness Training

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