Friday, 7 March 2008

News letter March 6th

Top articles:

How many good meals a week do you need for results?
Goal setting - Listen to me discuss how to set your goals.
Top ten mistakes made in the gym - Part 2.

Signed up for the newsletter yet? Confirm your subscription and receive a bonus information guide on a choice of four topics.

one2one nutrition news

The first article is a discussion about how many meals a week you need to eat to get results.

It is common to see people blaming a meal out on a Saturday for the reason they have failed to get any results.The article details how it is never that one meal that prevents success but rather the whole week and percentage of the meals within it.

The second article is an audio recording and goals sheet for you to download. This can be used to plan out and decide exactly what you are trying to achieve.

The final article is the second part from last week. It details the next five most common gym mistakes made day in day out.

If you would like further support in achieving your health and fitness goals then consider some personal training here in London (Clapham) or metabolic typing on line.

Hope you are well

Ben Wilson
One2one Nutrition

Personal training London - Your London personal trainer,
Metabolic typing advisor and EFT - Emotional freedom technique Therapist

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