Thursday, 28 January 2010

Which meal of the week is the most important and measuring your exercise abilities

Issue 158:

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one2one nutrition news

The first article today looks at the issue of weekly balance with your meals. It details how many meals you must be getting right each week for results. You may be surprised by which meal is the most important and also by how most people have got it all wrong when it comes to judging their progress. One thing is for certain though, your body will let you know the results.

The second article details some simple ways to measure fitness. One of the greatest benefits of exercise is the encouragement you receive when you notice the improvements you have made. Sadly many people miss out on this because they didn't take a measurement in the first place. It is also important to take regular measurements because your body will stall if your training programme is not varied.

The final article is from my soon to be launched daily motivation tips. This article discusses how we often see what we want to see when it comes to our health and fitness rather than seeing the real facts.

Hope you are well

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby Fitness training information and coaching

Thursday, 21 January 2010

5 simple tips to get in shape, 4 areas of exercise and 3 free exercise classes London

Five simple measures to help you get into shape

Four areas of exercise - Are you covering them all?

Three free exercises classes - Join me here in Clapham to get fit

Signed up for the newsletter yet? Confirm your subscription and receive a bonus information guide on a choice of four topics.

one2one nutrition news

The first article today outlines five very simple measures that anyone can do immediately that will contribute to helping you lose body fat. For some people getting into shape can be very easy to do while for others its a difficult challenge. If you find it a struggle then these tips are ideal for you because they work on areas that you are probably not addressing and hence you are finding it a struggle.

The second article is about exercise. Many people are embarking on an exercise routine which is fantastic. However, to really enjoy the benefits of exercise you must include all four areas. When you do this you will feel amazing and you will get greater results. In general most exercisers do too much of one type at the expense of the other three areas. See which one you favour in your routine. If you have no exercise routine then definitely read this and begin doing them all. Start with whichever one appeals the most that you can do now!

The final article is for those who live in and around Clapham. Come join me on the track in Battersea Park on Friday nights and Sunday mornings or enjoy some exercise with an informal game of touch rugby on the common. Both groups are free and are a great way to get in shape. The athletics track is one of, if not the best place to shed body fat and look great, while touch rugby is such fun you will barely notice yourself doing exercise.

Hope you are well

Ben Wilson

One2one Nutrition

Personal training London - Your London personal trainer,

Metabolic typing advisor and EFT - Emotional freedom technique Therapist

Rugby fitness training - Clever and stupid ways to lose weight and New Year Resolution considerations

New Year Resolutions - Key considerations before you begin

Clever and stupid ways to lose weight

Signed up for the newsletter yet? Confirm your subscription .

Rugby fitness training

The first Rugby Fitness Newsletter of 2010 has been slightly delayed because I have been in Central America. I am now back in the UK and things are firing up again. 2010 will have many new articles, training programmes and latest techniques to keep you at the forefront of rugby training and getting into great shape.

The first article today starts with an outline of five questions you must ask yourself before deciding on how to approach any health and fitness resolutions. Do take a look at this article because the vast majority of people fail each year to achieve their health and fitness goals.

The second link is about both clever and stupid ways to lose weight. As most people make a resolution to lose weight and get fit you need to be aware of what method you are going to take to do this and how likely it is to get results.

Hope your training is going well

Ben Wilson

Rugby fitness training

Author of Rugby fitness training: A twelve month conditioning programme

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching