Thursday, 9 October 2008

Rugby Fitness training - what hunger means for gaining weight and losing fat.

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Hunger - what it means for gaining muscle and losing body fat.
How EFT improved goal kicking.

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Rugby fitness training

The first article today covers hunger and the effect it has upon both gaining muscle and losing fat. Hunger is a sign that the body it wants something and this should be respected.

I have just finished a two day cell cleanse detox for the next level of my metabolic typing programme. It was the first time I have been hungry for 3 years since I started using metabolic typing. Luckily though it was just for two days. If you are one of those suffering long term with hunger then today's article is a must read.

The second article is a link to the EFT website. It reports on a study done in Australia where using Emotional Freedom technique prior to taking a conversion at goal significantly increased the conversion rate. A must read for any kicker and the underlying principle can be applied to every aspect of rugby performance from line out throwing to tackling.

If you need any help to maximise your abilities and dominate on the rugby field then consider my Rugby mentor or Rugby nutrition courses.Hope your training is going well

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip

On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)

London personal trainer

Rugby fitness training information and coaching

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