Wednesday, 30 April 2008
Free tele seminar on weight loss and effective exercises at home you can do
Lead Britain to wellness campaign - My Free tele seminar for you.
Effective exercises you can do at home to get in shape
Using EFT to stop self sabotaging your weight loss.
Signed up for the newsletter yet? Confirm your subscription and receive a bonus information guide on a choice of four topics.
one2one nutrition news
The summer is just around the corner and I am taking part in the Lead Britain to wellness campaign. This week I will be presenting a tele seminar on how you can kick start your efforts to get in shape.
Follow the link today to sign up for the free Tele seminar. I will be recording it Wednesday and it should be live on the site to listen to or download shortly afterwards. In the talk I will discuss how to use nutrition, exercise and emotional freedom technique (EFT) to get results.
The second article details effective exercises you can do at home today which could help you lose weight. Stop making excuses and look at these simple suggestions. You could even do some of them while reading this newsletter!
The final article today is about self sabotage when trying to lose weight. So many people struggle to lose weight year after year and this often begins in childhood. The article details how one lady broke her cycle with food and weight loss using EFT.
If you would like further support in achieving your health and fitness goals then consider some personal training in London (Clapham) or metabolic typing on line.
Hope you are well
Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching
Thursday, 24 April 2008
what food will make you look great this summer and how Anu went from a dress size 16 to a 10.
Metabolic typing - What you should eat to look great this summer
Sleep yourself thin - Do you need more sleep to lose weight?
Anu Brady - How she went from a dress size 16 to a 10.
Lead Britain to wellness campaign - Free teleseminar series for you.
Signed up for the newsletter yet? Confirm your subscription and receive a bonus information guide on a choice of four topics.
one2one nutrition news
The summer is just around the corner. The gym is busy once more as people eagerly try to get in shape for their upcoming holidays.The first article takes you right down to the basics of getting in shape.
Quite simply, your nutrition lies at the heart of getting results. Central to this is discovering what foods will actually help you lose weight.
Contrary to popular belief there is no such thing as a healthy food per se, only a healthy food in relation to your body. This means we may need to eat different foods to lose weight. Metabolic typing is the system to accurately determine what foods you need to lose weight. Read about it in the first article.
The second article discusses sleep and how it can influence whether you are in shape this Summer. Sleep is an overlooked factor for most people in getting results yet this is when the body can respond to the exercise and good nutrition you have been eating. There are a few principles about sleep you need to understand which are covered in the article.
The third piece is the story of my client Anu Brady. I trained her earlier this week and it reminded me that not only has she gone from a dress size 16 to a 10 she has maintained her results and is still a size 10 a year later. Great stuff! Read about how she did it in the final article today.
One last bit of information is the Lead Britain to Wellness campaign. I have joined up with 9 other personal trainers from across the UK. Over the next ten weeks we will all take a Seminar. I am not sure when I am speaking but do follow the link to sign up for the series. The first 500 places are free. and the teleseminar series begins today.
If you would like further support in achieving your health and fitness goals then consider some personal training in London (Clapham) or metabolic typing on line.
Hope you are well
Ben Wilson
One2one Nutrition
Personal training London - Your London personal trainer,
Metabolic typing advisor and EFT - Emotional freedom technique Therapist
Rugby fitness training news letter -The mental aspects to rugby performance
Top articles:
Sports psychology - Getting the mental edge in rugby performance.
Emotional freedom technique (EFT) - Control your negative emotions before playing.
Lead Britain to wellness campaign - Free teleseminar series for you
Signed up for the newsletter yet? Confirm your subscription .
Rugby fitness training
The first article today is an overview of the psychology behind rugby performance. The goal of sports psychology is to get you to play to 100% of your physical abilities and potential.The mind is the key in almost everything you do in life and playing sports is no different. Read todays article for elements to consider about your mind set during a game.
The second feature is on Emotional freedom technique (EFT). This powerful tool can transform your mind set, remove negative emotions or concerns about performance and even help physical injuries.It is rapidly expanding and has widespread application to rugby players.
It is also an invaluable method to be used by people looking to lose weight. It can break connections to foods and allow you to go on to achieve your goals.
One last bit of information is the Lead Britain to Wellness campaign. It is not rugby related but may be of interest to you or your friends/family. I have joined up with 9 other personal trainers from across the UK.
Over the next ten weeks we will all take a Seminar. I am not sure when I am speaking but do follow the link to sign up for the series. The first 500 places are free and the teleseminar series begins today.
Hope your training is going well
Ben Wilson
Rugby fitness training
Author of Rugby fitness training: A twelve month conditioning programme
Thursday, 17 April 2008
How to flatten your stomach and how my client Ghislain lost 21 Kg
The core - How to flatten your stomach.
What is a healthy food?
Ghislain - How he lost 9 Kg since working with me (21 kg in total)
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one2one nutrition news
The first article relates to how you can flatten your stomach without even losing any body fat. The core refers to the groups of muscles that surround the spine and support your whole mid section.When these muscles are strong they will automatically flatten and pull your stomach inwards.
Read the article today for the full run down on how you can use this area of exercise to look thin and also protect your back at the same time.
The second article talks about the whole concept of healthy food. One of the reasons everyone is struggling to lose fat these days is that we have been conditioned to believe there is one healthy nutrition strategy for everyone. To compound this the one size 'healthy diet' we are told to follow is not the best it could be.
Read this article to learn and understand why the very foods you are eating may be causing you to gain body fat and why there is no one nutrition strategy that everyone should follow.
The final link is a case study from my client Ghislain Juvanon. He has an amazing story to tell and has so far lost 21 Kg. He came to me after already making some great strides on his own.
Working together we have accelerated his progress so that he lost a further 9kg and almost 6 inches around his waist.Take a look at the picture of him holding up the trousers he used to wear just two years ago. They were a full 10 inches bigger.
This story should act as inspiration to anyone who feels they have a lot to lose and finding it a little daunting to start your journey.
If you would like further support in achieving your health and fitness goals then consider some personal training in London (Clapham) or metabolic typing on line.
Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching
Friday, 11 April 2008
April 11th - Rugby fitness training - How to get a 6 pack and the benefits of plyometric training.
How to get a 6 pack - Nutrition nutrition nutrition!!!
Plyometric training - Jump, bounce and hop your way to better speed and performance.
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Rugby fitness training
The first article today details the key ingredient to getting a 6 pack. That is your nutrition. You can do all the training in the world but if you do not get your nutrition right you will never a get a six pack.
To have a set of abs you need to reduce the fat over them so your muscle definition can be seen.To get your nutrition right you must eat the right foods, in the right amounts and avoid any foods your body may be highly sensitive towards.
Metabolic typing is the nutrition system tailored to your exact needs to allow you to get the results you desire.Nutrition is such a difficult area for most people because we are all very different. What works for one person will not work for the other.
How do you know if you have got your nutrition right at the moment? Take a look at whether you have or have not got a six pack? Metabolic typing can guide you to find the exact foods your body actually needs not just what you think and hope you need
The second article looks at the subject of plyometrics. To do this type of exercise you need to perform jumps, hops and bounds. These movements charge the muscles to be able to produce force rapidly and efficiently.
Fast and efficient force production is what determines sprinting speed and thus plyometrics are a vital tool for rugby performance.
Hope your training is going well
Ben Wilson
Rugby fitness training
Author of Rugby fitness training: A twelve month conditioning programme
Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching
April 11th - Preventing back pain, chocolate cravings and how to stretch.
How to prevent and rehabilitate knee, back and hip pain.
Static stretching - How to maximise the benefits from stretching.
Chocolate cravings - How to control them using EFT.
Signed up for the newsletter yet? Confirm your subscription and receive a bonus information guide on a choice of four topics.
one2one nutrition news
Almost everyone has suffered or currently is suffering from pain in their knees, hips or back. I would say the majority of my clients have a weakness in one of these areas.
Often a weakness is lurking below the surface so the only time you can see the injury is when the body is put through an exercise routine. e.g. your knees hurt when you go jogging or squatting to the floor etc.
The great thing about injuries is that you can remove almost all of them using the simple techniques outlined above. A must read if you have any aches at the moment.
Closely linked to this is the second article on static stretching. I have lost count of how many back injuries I have cleared up using just static stretching. Often stubborn 3 or 4 year injuries just disappear upon the application of some clever stretching.
Stretching is not as simple as it first appears so read the key points in the article today.
The final piece today is a link to the EFT site which details how to address chocolate cravings. This one food can be the main stumbling block to some peoples success.
I have found that you must first identify the mental connection between you and the chocolate (or any other food / behaviour) then use EFT amongst other techniques to remove it.
If you would like further support in achieving your health and fitness goals then consider some personal training in London (Clapham) or metabolic typing on line.
Hope you are well
Ben Wilson
One2one Nutrition
Personal training London - Your London personal trainer,
Metabolic typing advisor and EFT - Emotional freedom technique Therapist
Monday, 7 April 2008
April 7th Newsletter - Exercise psychology, supplements and EFT for pain management
Supplements - Why some help and some do more harm than good
Exercise psychology - Use these techniques to outwit yourself into exercise and on towards great fitness.
EFT and physical pain - Can you really tap pain away?
Signed up for the newsletter yet? Confirm your subscription and receive a bonus information guide on a choice of four topics.
One2one nutrition news
The newsletter today starts off with an article on supplements. I do not mention supplements that much within my newsletters as my main concern is that most people are eating the wrong foods for their body while thinking they are healthy.
Supplements are another area of nutrition where the advice is as confused as ever. In my article today I outline what supplements can be used for, which can be beneficial and how some can do you more harm than good.
The second article is on the psychology of exercise. Following these simple techniques you should be able to trick yourself into exercise every time you put up an excuse not to do some.I find the key is convincing yourself to start doing some exercise.
Once you get going you usually enjoy it and feel grateful you did some. Use the tips outlined in the second article to achieve this.
The final feature is a link to the EFT website detailing how using Emotional freedom technique can reduce and sometimes remove a physical pain.When learning EFT I was astounded when my calf injury from rugby disappeared after one minute of tapping. When the same happened on a client with knee pain I submerged myself in the study of this strange looking but fantastic technique.
Pick from one of the many case studies on the site and try it yourself. You may just be surprised with the results.
If you would like further support in achieving your health and fitness goals then consider some personal training in London (Clapham) or metabolic typing on line.
Hope you are well
Ben Wilson
One2one Nutrition
Personal training London - Your London personal trainer,
Metabolic typing advisor and EFT - Emotional freedom technique Therapist