Friday, 29 February 2008

Feb 29th - Rugby fitness training news letter

Rugby fitness training newsletter - The mental approach to training for long term results and the most common gym errors

An attitude for success - A better / worse approach to rugby training
The most common errors in the gym.
Download my 30 minute pod cast on metabolic typing.

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Rugby fitness training

The first article today details adopting a better or worse approach to your rugby training.

This attitude is at the heart of getting results and often separates those who do get the results they want from the ones that do not.

I cannot stand 'experts' and every other person who is keen to tell you why this food is bad or why doing that training is bad for performance.

To me this is missing the point as no activity can be good nor bad until it is compared to some other activity and compared to what your body needs. Read the first article as it could be the key to adopting an attitude to keep you on target and following your training plan month after month.

The second article is one of my favourites. It is the most common errors seen in the gym. Rugby players in general are fairly good at wasting their good efforts in the gym by following inappropriate training routines and making a series of errors. Read about the main ones here.

The final link is to download the full 30 minute version of my pod cast. You can download this to your Ipod or computer and watch me discuss metabolic typing and how it relates to what foods you should eat, which foods you should avoid and how to determine portion size. A must watch if you are not aware of metabolic typing yet keen to know how nutrition can improve your performance.

Hope your training is going well

Ben Wilson

Rugby fitness training
Author of Rugby fitness training: A twelve month conditioning programme

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