Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Rugby fitness training newsletter - Febuary 6th - Approaches to personal fitness and team training.

Top articles:

Team training - Has your club changed with the times?

An overview of how to improve all aspects of play through training.

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Rugby fitness training

Today I take a more global look at fitness, preparation and performance improvement. For a long time it has been a drive in me to try and change the way team sessions are conducted.

In my experience training is usually stale, monotonous and fairly ineffective. I don't know how many tackle pads I have driven back over the years but I did note how it never improved my tackling.

Read my article today to consider if there could be improvements to be made within your club. Forward on to your coach if you think it could help.

The second article overviews how you should be looking to approach improving your rugby performance. It outlines everything from the different types of training through to the impact of nutrition and the mind. It is certainly a thought provoking article.

I hope you are looking forward to the 6 nations like I am. My fingers are crossed that Wales can pull of a win in Twickers.

Hope your training is going well

Ben Wilson

Rugby fitness training
Author of Rugby fitness training: A twelve month conditioning programme

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