Friday, 8 February 2008

Metabolic typing test

Metabolic typing analysis

The way to determine what your nutritional needs are is to discover your metabolic type.

A Metabolic Type is the inherited pattern of genetically-based strengths and weaknesses in the body’s fundamental control systems. Although tens of thousands of chemical reactions take place in your body daily, they are all regulated by just a handful of control systems, such as the Autonomic Nervous System, the Endocrine System, the Oxidation Rate, etc.

These inherited strengths and weaknesses express themselves in different ways in each person and they help to define our uniqueness as individuals. For example, one person may have strong digestion, but a weak heart. Another may have a strong heart, but weak eyesight. Someone else may have high motivation and a Type A personality, while another might be lethargic and have a Type B personality.

Correlations have been made between numerous physical, diet-related and psychological characteristics and the body’s fundamental control systems. Although it may be said that there are as many Metabolic Types as there are individuals, it is also true that all the characteristics fall into certain patterns or “constellations” that can be classified as the different Metabolic Types

Once your metabolic type is known it is possible to determine the foods and nutrients you need to be consuming. Through eating these you will give the cells what they need which will increase their efficiency and thus the health of your body.

The metabolic typing test questionnaire

The questionnaire is divided into three sections, these look at your physical traits, your dietary related traits and your psychological traits. These different traits have been correlated with the fundamental control systems within the body by various researchers of the last 40 years.

In order to complete the analysis you must answer over a 140 questions which is analyzed against the previous research. The analysis is unique because it is looking at the behavior of the body across all systems to give a pattern of how your body is functioning. It differs from other approaches because it does not use lab tests.

Metabolic Typing may be likened to obtaining information and understanding about a three story house through a blueprint of the entire house and all of its rooms. Using a lab test, because it involves one specific part or level of the body, would be like trying to understand the entire house through a blueprint of the kitchen (or any other single room in the house). Another way to look at it is that for example calcium may be high in the blood but low in the bones, therefore the lab test may be misleading for making nutritional recommendations.

Example questions from the metabolic typing test

Find below some of the questions taken from the actual metabolic typing test. To complete the whole questionnaire and receive a metabolic typing report simply sign up for my on line metabolic typing course.

1) My build at ideal weight
a. Tend towards lean, wiry, thin, rangy or gangly build.
b. Average build
c. Tend towards a stockier, wider or thicker type build.

4) From behind view, most of my excess fat is
a. Around my waist (in love handles)
b. Especially across the upper back (but also may have thickening all over body)
c. Below waist and/or in the rear
d. Fat accumulates all over (not in any specific area)

24) Head size
a. Head appears slightly large in proportion to the body.
b. Average sized skull in proportion to body.
c. Head appears slightly small in proportion to the body.

25) Gum bleeding (from brushing teeth)
a. Often occurs
b. Sometime occurs
c. Rarely occurs, if ever

44) Belching / burping after meals
a. Rarely or never need to burp
b. Occasionally have burping
c. Often have burping

45) Digestion efficiency
a. Find meat hard to digest
b. Find fats /oils hard to digest
c. Have average digestion
d. Have to be careful of what I eat
e. Have really good digestion, easily digest most things.

64) Asthma
a. Never have
b. Occasionally have, or have a mild problem
c. Often have

80) Appetite at breakfast
a. Strong
b. average
c. Weak

81) Appetite at Lunch
a. Strong
b. Average
c. Weak

82) Appetite at dinner
a. Strong
b. average
c. Weak

85) Eating habits
a. Need to eat often to be at my best
b. Average eating requirements
c. Unconcerned with food, may forget to eat.

93) Red meat (steak, roast beef)
a. Decreases energy and well being
b. Increases energy and well being
c. No noticeable difference in energy.

103) Disagreement
a. Rather give in than argue a point.
b. Sometimes feel like standing my ground.
c. Rather argue than give in, can enjoy a debate

104) Exercise
a. Makes me feel good
b. Sometimes like exercise
c. Dislike it, prefer to be sedentary.

106) Punctual
a. Almost always punctual.
b. Sometimes punctual.
c. Find it hard to be punctual, try as I might.

108) Ambition
a. Not ambitious, quite unmotivated.
b. Have average ambition.
c. Quite ambitious, extremely motivated.

If you would like to discover your metabolic type then consider my on line metabolic typing course or you can work with me face to face through Personal training London (Clapham).

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
Personal training London (Clapham)
Rugby fitness training information and coaching

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