Thursday 29 April 2010

When exercise feels hard but you are not getting fitter! Plus, Hair analysis and group advice

Issue 171:

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one2one nutrition news

The first article is about hair analysis and what it reveals about your body. I am a big fan of hair tissue samples because it is the only test that shows how your body has been acting over a three month period. Through analysing the hair you can see toxic metals levels as well as those of each nutrient within the body. The test does not show what is happening at cellular level (Use the Metabolic Typing Test for that) and thus cannot be used to determine what foods to eat but it can be used to show the overall health and fatigue status of your body. Read more in the first link why this is an important thing to do.

The second article looks at a common problem with regular exercisers made even worse by the fact that no one notices it. This is the problem of when exercise still feels like hard work yet actually you are not getting any fitter. Reaching a fitness plateau is a natural side effect of how the body adapts and is not a problem if you are aware of it. As most people do not measure their fitness, it can, therefore, be a great problem. Read more in the article today.

The final link is from my soon to be released daily motivational newsletter. Today I discuss the problems with group advice in general and how it is easy to be a successful "Guru" yet also very hard to get results across the board. Read this as there is a good chance your results could be suffering to some degree because of the problems with group advice and how most people try to go about it.

Thursday 15 April 2010

What your body shape means for losing weight and the foods you crave. Plus learning to run.

Issue 170:

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one2one nutrition news

The first article discusses how what your body shape implies about your endocrine and hormonal system. Last week I discussed how stressors affected the hormonal system which influences your weight. This week it is about your genetic strengths within your endocrine system and how this affects where you store your body fat. As well as storing fat in different places you will also find food cravings vary from one person to another. This is linked to body fat patterns and is all discussed in today's article.

The second piece is perfect for this time of year. I love taking a run down by the Thames when the sun is out. With summer edging nearer it is the perfect time to start training. Whatever age or standard of fitness you are, almost everyone can learn to run. Read the outline today and start getting that body moving this spring.

The final link is from my soon to be released daily motivational newsletter. It discusses all the things that getting into shape should NOT be about. You may be surprised to learn that many of these elements are what most people base their whole plan upon and no wonder it all falls apart in the majority of cases.

For help and guidance both on line or face to face contact me for more information.

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London Personal Trainer
Rugby Titness Training

Thursday 8 April 2010

Are your stressed out adrenal glands the reason you do not get results? Plus, tips to improve sleep

ssue 169:

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one2one nutrition news

The first article is about your adrenal glands. These two endocrine glands pick up the slack and fight any stressors your body or internal systems encounter. The adrenal glands will help you fight all and everything that comes your way and they are integral to the hormonal balance within your body.

This is vital for any issue discussing weight because your hormonal system is one of the primary mechanisms by which you gain or lose body fat. Years of prolonged stress on your system can cause a change in hormonal patterns within your body. The result is that you are unable to lose body fat even if you are eating and exercising correctly. Luckily there are tests you can take which can reveal the state of these important glands and thus work out an effective plan to get results. Read more by following the first link.

The second article looks at sleep. The amount and quality of sleep you obtain has a direct impact upon the results you get and the functioning of your body. Read the article today to put in place these simple suggestions to improve your quality of sleep and therefore health of the body.

The final article is from my soon to be launched daily motivational tips. Today I discuss the issue of your favourite food and the memory it evokes. Follow the mind-body change exercise to reduce your ties to this food.

With summer fast approaching you can get results and look good by working with me on line or face to face here in South London. Contact me for more information.

Hope you are well