Thursday 15 April 2010

What your body shape means for losing weight and the foods you crave. Plus learning to run.

Issue 170:

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one2one nutrition news

The first article discusses how what your body shape implies about your endocrine and hormonal system. Last week I discussed how stressors affected the hormonal system which influences your weight. This week it is about your genetic strengths within your endocrine system and how this affects where you store your body fat. As well as storing fat in different places you will also find food cravings vary from one person to another. This is linked to body fat patterns and is all discussed in today's article.

The second piece is perfect for this time of year. I love taking a run down by the Thames when the sun is out. With summer edging nearer it is the perfect time to start training. Whatever age or standard of fitness you are, almost everyone can learn to run. Read the outline today and start getting that body moving this spring.

The final link is from my soon to be released daily motivational newsletter. It discusses all the things that getting into shape should NOT be about. You may be surprised to learn that many of these elements are what most people base their whole plan upon and no wonder it all falls apart in the majority of cases.

For help and guidance both on line or face to face contact me for more information.

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London Personal Trainer
Rugby Titness Training

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