Thursday 3 June 2010

What to do if someone calls you fat, gut function and a resistance training routine to follow

Issue 177:

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The first article is about testing gut function and the mucosal barrier. Your digestive tract is at the core of your health and your immune system is based here. When health deteriorates you can almost guarantee that your digestive system has become compromised. You can test to see the integrity and state of the gut. The first article explains the test which can identify infections, bacterial growth and more. Read the article to learn more about the role and different elements of digestion as well as testing you can do yourself.

The second article follows on from the last two weeks which detailed the types of resistance training you can use. Follow the link to see a sample session you can use to combine almost all the different types. Long term you should separate them out but for a bit of fun try the routine set out. You will need a bit of lifting experience to follow the plan. If you are new to weights then set about learning to do free weights.

The final article which is from my daily newsletter discusses how you should react when someone calls you fat. Though it is rarely said in such a blunt fashion your response to other people implying this is very important. Read the article to understand this whole process and the different elements within it.

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London Personal Trainer
Rugby Titness Training

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