Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Why you must rotate your foods and sleeping your way thin.

A food rotation system for you to use and why you should use it.
Sleep yourself thin - How rest plays a role in weight loss.
How I helped a Fijian rugby province to their best ever finish.
Signed up for the newsletter yet? Confirm your subscription and receive a bonus information guide on a choice of four topics.
One2one nutrition news

The first article follows on from last week's article on Food Sensitivities. As creatures of habit we often keep eating the same foods over and over. The average person eats only 17 different foods.

Eating the same foods greatly increases your chances of food sensitivities occurring and suffering the many problems they bring. A highly effective way to avoid this is to use some sort of food rotation within your diet. I have outlined a proposed strategy for this.

The second article details sleep and the importance it has upon your health. Today's society is so hectic that sleep is often the first thing that gives way in a crammed schedule.

Sleep however is the time when the body can recharge and repair tissue. A healthy body will have less reason to store body fat. Follow the tips outlined here to improve your quality of sleep.

The final article details the great success the Fijian rugby province of Northlands have had since I started sending them training programmes 10 months ago. I have some great memories of Fiji since the time I spent a week there in 2003. I am glad I helped the province to their first ever cup win. Read about their story in the final article.

If you would like further support in achieving your health and fitness goals then consider some personal training in London (Clapham) or metabolic typing on line.
Hope you are well

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching

Rugby Fitness Training - How I helped a Fijian province to their best ever finish and components of a training program

How my fitness plans helped Northlands Fijian Province to their best ever finish.

Individual training - What components must go into a training plan?

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Rugby fitness training

The newsletter today starts with a link showing the great success the Northlands rugby province of Fiji have had this year. Around 10 months ago I started supplying them with training programmes to follow.

The results have been fantastic in a very short space of time. Read the article today for full details of how the programme helped them.

I have been saying for a very long time that team training by the vast majority of rugby clubs leaves the players under exposed and ill prepared for the demands of an actual match. The standard of fitness of the average rugby player is much worse than for other sports.

The great thing though is the astute coach can make massive gains by simply using an effective training programme to help them climb the league table.

The second article is detailing the various types of training that must come together for you to optimally optimise your physical abilities and be prepared for all the different aspects rugby throws at you.

If you need any help to maximise your abilities and dominate on the rugby field then consider my Rugby Mentor or Rugby Nutrition courses.

Hope your training is going well

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT) London personal trainer Rugby fitness training information and coaching

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Are these 'healthy' foods making you fat? Plus an active stretching routine for you to follow.

Top articles:

Are these 'healthy' foods making you fat?
Active stretching - Do this routine daily to ease injuries and feel great
EFT for asthma - Read how a Doctor used EFT to reduce wheezing.

Signed up for the newsletter yet? Confirm your subscription and receive a bonus information guide on a choice of four topics.

One2one nutrition news

The first article discusses food sensitivities. Your body can become sensitive towards any food. The more you eat a food the greater the likelihood you will become sensitive towards it.

This is causing a huge problem now because so many people are sensitive towards the very foods that are touted as 'healthy' by the mainstream media and experts. Read the article today to discover the most common foods that could affect you.

The second article follows on from static stretching last week. This covers active stretching. If you follow the set out routine each morning you will feel much more flexible and energised for the rest of the day. Repeat each day and you will soon notice some longer term changes.

The final article is about how EFT was used to reduce asthmatic symptoms in a doctor. The principles in this piece are applicable to any physical symptom. EFT is so quick to do you have everything to gain by trying it.

If you would like further support in achieving your health and fitness goals then consider some personal training in London (Clapham) or metabolic typing on line.

Hope you are well

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Rugby fitness training - How to build muscle and core strength.

How to build muscle - Fast and effective methods to build mass.

The core - The heart of your strength and performance.

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Rugby fitness training

It was another great weekend of rugby and I am sure you noticed just how big most of these professional rugby players are these days. As you will know there is more to rugby than size yet it is still a big goal for many players I work with.

The first article today cuts to the chase and details how you can rapidly gain muscle and do it in a way that will help your rugby performance and make you bigger.

The second article revisits the core. It is amazing how many players do not incorporate these techniques despite the wide spread publicity about it. The article today explains how to activate and strengthen the core muscles. Revisiting the core is the fastest way to become functionally strong on the rugby field.

If you need any help to maximise your abilities and dominate on the rugby field then consider my Rugby Mentor or Rugby Nutrition courses.

Hope your training is going well

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching

What your hair can reveal about your body, static stretching and EFT for phobias

What hair mineral analysis says about your body.
Static stretching - Use these techniques to ease injuries and feel great
EFT for phobias - How a 50 year phobia disappeared in moments.

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One2one nutrition news

The first article introduces you to hair mineral analysis. Recently I completed the next level of metabolic typing testing. This further study takes an even deeper look into the body and introduces detoxification procedures.

A hair analysis shows what minerals are found within the hair and what this means in relation to your body. Hair analysis allows you to track heavy metals within the body and gives us an indication of how the adrenals, thyroids and other internal systems are functioning. Read more in today's opening article.

The second link is about static stretching. It is amazing how spending just 30 minutes stretching can make you feel like new. Often an exercise session is more wisely spent stretching and focusing on your breathing than smashing yourself on the treadmill.

If you have any injuries, generally feel stiff or have low energy then you need to read and apply the suggestions in the article today.

The final article shows why EFT has sprung from nowhere to world wide usage. It is because in many cases you can get results in less than an hour for problems people have suffered for years. In this example it takes just 15 minutes to remove a 50 year old phobia of open spaces. What phobias or fears do you have that you would love to get rid of?

If you would like further support in achieving your health and fitness goals then consider some personal training in London (Clapham) or metabolic typing on line.

Hope you are well

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Detoxification procedures

I am a balanced metabolic type. Accordingly I follow the appropriate metabolic typing diet plan. I also take the supplements designed for my metabolic type. This includes a specific formulation of multivitamin and various aids for digestion.

I recently did a hair analysis which revealed slight disturbances in the mineral ratios which suggests the body is in a resistance stage of stress. It also suggested metal contamination within the body. I therefore started undergoing various detox procedures to allow the body to sequester the metals and toxins out and thus allow the body to improve its metabolic efficiency.

Detoxification procedures

Over the last few months I have been doing various detoxification procedures. These include.

Coffee enemas

This technique has been around for a long time but more recently gained attention as it was used as part of Gerson cancer therapy. The idea is that the coffee solution is directly absorbed by the liver which causes it to become excited and work at a much higher rate therefore clearing toxins more effectively.

It is done by simply making a coffee solution using ground coffee and boiling water. After cooling the temperature of the liquid it can then be directly put into the colon and takes around 15 minutes. This is long enough to allow the blood stream to go through the liver 5 times.

Cell cleanse

This is designed to push the body into an alkaline state by consuming fruits, vegetables and Magnesium citrate. This draws acidic toxins from the cells.

Liver gall bladder cleanse

Designed to remove the gall bladder of any gall stones it is performed by drinking large amounts of apple juice for the preceding few days to the cleanse. On the day of the cleanse the gall bladder duct is relaxed through Magnesium citrate and a large amount of oil is consumed to force the gallbladder to contract. On doing this it expels any gall stones that have built up.

Colon cleanse

Through drinking a clay type solution and large amounts of water a gel like structure if formed within the colon. This is combined to a coffee enema and massage to clear the built up dry fecal matter on the inside.

Parasite cleanse

This is designed to kill parasites that may be living in the gut and draining the body of energy. Certain solutions are taken each day over a one / two month period while avoiding certain foods.

Skin cleanses -

Skin brushing.

Brushing the skin clears the pores and removes dead cells therefore allowing the skin to more effectively fulfil its function of heat regulation ad detoxification

Epsom salt bath.

The Epsom salts are believed to aid the skin and help the body recover through vital salts

Apple cider vinegar bath

Designed to aids the skin through the acidic Ph of the vinegar on the skin.

Castor oil skin rubs.

Mixing half castor oil and half olive oil then taking a bath it is believed to draw toxins from the skin.

What your body shape means for losing weight and how my client lost 25 Kg and 10 inches around his waist

Top articles:

What your body shape means for weight loss.
Aerobic training - How to get fitter and in better shape.
Ghislain - 10 inches and 25 Kg down and still going.

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one2one nutrition news

The first article explains how your body shape influences weight loss. I am sure you have noticed that people store body fat in different patterns. This is indicative of the functioning of the major endocrine glands within the body.

The reason that this is important is because it is linked to food cravings and explains why people have different food cravings to each other. If you are relying on the foods you crave then this could be causing you to store body fat. Read this article for more information on this and how to use this information to get results.

The second article looks at aerobic training. Everyone should be doing this in some form. It ranges from something as simple as going for a walk to running a marathon. The key is getting the intensity right to get results. The article today details this.

The final article revisits my client Ghislain. He has lost over 25 Kg of fat and 10 inches around his waist. Read how he did it and see the amazing after picture.

Four months on from when I first posted his story he has lost still more fat and played rugby for the first time in two years last weekend. The difference being the last time he played he was a prop (generally the slowest and heaviest guy on the team) and now he is playing in the backs (Faster and smaller guys). Great stuff Ghislain.

If you would like further support in achieving your health and fitness goals then consider some personal training in London (Clapham) or metabolic typing on line.

Hope you are well

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching

Rugby Fitness training - what hunger means for gaining weight and losing fat.

Top articles:

Hunger - what it means for gaining muscle and losing body fat.
How EFT improved goal kicking.

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Rugby fitness training

The first article today covers hunger and the effect it has upon both gaining muscle and losing fat. Hunger is a sign that the body it wants something and this should be respected.

I have just finished a two day cell cleanse detox for the next level of my metabolic typing programme. It was the first time I have been hungry for 3 years since I started using metabolic typing. Luckily though it was just for two days. If you are one of those suffering long term with hunger then today's article is a must read.

The second article is a link to the EFT website. It reports on a study done in Australia where using Emotional Freedom technique prior to taking a conversion at goal significantly increased the conversion rate. A must read for any kicker and the underlying principle can be applied to every aspect of rugby performance from line out throwing to tackling.

If you need any help to maximise your abilities and dominate on the rugby field then consider my Rugby mentor or Rugby nutrition courses.Hope your training is going well

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip

On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)

London personal trainer

Rugby fitness training information and coaching

Thursday, 2 October 2008

The science of metabolic typing

Top articles:

The science of metabolic typing and weight loss.
Avoiding an exercise plateau.
EFT and learning to like foods you hate.

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One2one nutrition news

The first article today focuses upon the underlying science behind metabolic typing and how this is applied to weight loss. The article details how your body functions at cellular level and what this means for achieving your health and fitness goals.
The second article delves into a common problem amongst exercisers. That is, how to avoid reaching a plateau. The key to exercise is that you are getting stronger and fitter from month to month.

Most regular exercisers are stuck on a plateau and they are actually not getting fitter. Signs to look for include boredom with your exercise routine or an inability to increase the level you are performing. Read how to avoid this and to rapidly increase your fitness.

The final article is an interesting one about how EFT can be used to change your taste surrounding certain foods. All too often we have a hatred for a particular food that goes beyond the actual taste.

This comes from our previous experiences where often our parents forced us to eat a food that was 'good for us'. The result is a hatred not related to the actual taste. The article today details how EFT can be used to remove this.

If you would like further support in achieving your health and fitness goals then consider some personal training in London (Clapham) or metabolic typing on line.

Hope you are well

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching

Monday, 29 September 2008

Exercises to lose weight - Do them at home or follow this gym programme

Top articles:

Effective home exercises for weight loss.
Effective gym exercises for weight loss.
EFT and helping physical pain.

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one2one nutrition news

The newsletter today focuses on exercise and what you can do to help yourself get in great shape whether you have access to a gym or from the comfort of your own home.Exercise has many benefits beyond just weight loss to justify committing to a programme as part of your daily life.

The fact most people have a fear of or dislike of exercise is a sad state of affairs. I have not met one person who doesn't feel better afterwards and thus enjoy exercise when they learn the different forms it can take and different ways to do it. I highly recommend you read the articles above to see how you can put in place a long term exercise strategy which will help you both physically and emotionally. There is nothing stopping you from starting a programme today!

The final article is about how EFT can be used to aid physical pains. Tying in closely to the above articles is how many people cite injury as a reason to not do exercise. This is a poor excuse. Exercise can always help an injury in some form. On top of that why not apply EFT to reduce the symptoms as well. Read the final link today to see how.

If you would like further support in achieving your health and fitness goals then consider some personal training in London (Clapham) or metabolic typing on line.

Hope you are well

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching

Rugby fitness training - Stretching - How to increase speed and strength while reducing injuries.

Top articles:

Static Stretching - improve speed, strength and fitness.
Active stretching - Prepare the body and remove minor injuries.

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Rugby fitness training

The newsletter today focuses upon flexibility and the two types of stretching you should incorporate as part of your routine.

Static stretching should be used to restore ideal posture to your body. When your body is in perfect alignment you are naturally stronger, faster and fitter because your body moves more efficiently.

Read the first article today for more details on stretching which includes new techniques that can be much more effective than your usual 10-20 second hold.

The second article is about active stretching. This type of flexibility is used to mobilize every joint before training or playing. It also contributes to developing ideal posture and can often clear up minor injuries. Follow the set out exercises in the article today.

If you need any help to maximise your abilities and dominate on the rugby field then consider my Rugby mentor or Rugby nutrition courses.

Hope your training is going well

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching

Friday, 26 September 2008

Hunger, What it means for losing weight.

Top articles:

Hungry all the time? - How this affects losing weight.
Never hungry? what this means for losing weight.
Do you crave a particular food or drink? How to stop this effortlessly

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one2one nutrition news

The newsletter today covers the issue of hunger and how it impacts upon losing weight. When it comes to hunger it is a great example of how we are all different. For every person you find who has strong hunger and eats every couple of hours you will meet someone who can miss a meal without the slightest problem.

It is not that either one of these is better than the other. It just shows how your oxidation rate within the cells is operating. Depending on this different people need to eat different foods. Read the article today to discover what your hunger pattern means for losing weight and being in great health.

The final article discusses the other reason people eat. Which is because of a craving caused by an emotional or behavioural reasons. This is a great article which details how one lady only had cravings for Budweiser beer and not just any old beer. This was because this brand of beer had particular emotional attachments for her.

The lessons here can be applied to anyone by just substituting the name of the food or drink you crave. It also reminds me of how powerful emotions are in shaping behaviour and why companies spend billions of pounds trying to attach a good emotion to their product.

These days marketing is particularly aimed at Children because they are easily influenced and then you have a customer for life. Take a look at those Children's toys you get in MacDonald's. A marketing strategy to create a life long customer.

If you would like further support in achieving your health and fitness goals then consider some personal training in London (Clapham) or metabolic typing on line.

Hope you are well

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching

Rugby fitness training : Clever and stupid ways to lose weight and a sprint training programme to follow

Clever and stupid ways to lose weight.
Follow this example sprint training sessions to get faster.

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Rugby fitness training

The first article focuses on different strategies people use to lose weight and be in shape for the rugby season. Some of these are excellent methods to take while others are stupid.Read the article today to see what points you can take on board and which behaviours you should drop if you are trying to trim down and look great.

The second article gives you an example of a sprint training session plan you could follow to improve your fitness. It is aimed at increasing your anaerobic base. This is important as speed is built on top of this foundation. Follow this session for a few weeks and see your fitness, speed endurance and base speed improve.

If you need any help to maximise your abilities and dominate on the rugby field then consider my Rugby mentor or Rugby nutrition courses.Hope your training is going well

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching

Friday, 5 September 2008

Rugby fitness training - Adopt this attitude for long term success and team training

Top articles:

Take this attitude towards your training to ensure success.
Team training - Does your club get it right?

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Rugby fitness training

The first article focuses on a single mental strategy that I have seen help numerous people attain results.The article details adopting a better or worse approach to your training and eating. When this approach is taken you are able to make choices and decisions from a different perspective. It removes the all or nothing approach which destroys consistency in most people. Take a good look at this article and incorporate this principle into your own mind set.

The second link is about team training and the approach most clubs take. For a long time I have stated that rugby clubs are too soft and as a general sport rugby players show nowhere near the mental toughness or desire for fitness compared to other sports.

There are few other sports out there that do two months fitness work followed by 10 months of nothing except for the odd occasional fitness session. It is a disgrace, trust me, if you go down your local athletics track, running club or martial arts school you will be doing fitness session in session out. Why rugby doesn't do this baffles me and it is no surprise to see players who are not in good enough shape to handle the demands of Rugby.

In the second article I outline some things team sessions should be incorporating to counter this.

If you need any help this off-season to maximise your abilities come the start of next season then consider my Rugby mentor or Rugby nutrition courses.

Hope your training is going well

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching

How to increase muscle or gain weight and how my client lost 7 inches on his waist in just a few months.

Top articles:

How to gain muscle and increase your weight.
Resistance training benefits - Lose weight and rehab injuries.
Chris Wearden - How my client lost 7 inches in just a few months.

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one2one nutrition news

I spend most my time talking about how to lose weight and thus often overlook the people who are interested in gaining weight or muscle. The first article today details the key factors you need to consider to increase your weight.

The second articles details resistance training and the many benefits it brings. If your goal is to lose fat then this training method will propel you along. If you want to gain weight it is essential also.

For those who have injuries and aches doing resistance training will often remove your pain if done in combination with intelligent stretching. The final benefit is that it allows you to be strong and active whatever age you are.

The final links is the about my client Chris Wearden. He came to me this Easter and used the gym for the first time in his life and a good 20 years plus since his last bout of exercise.In just 5 months he has transformed himself by losing 7 inches around his waist and dropping 3 stone. Take a look at the great before and after pictures and use his efforts as inspiration to transform your body. Great effort Chris.

If you would like further support in achieving your health and fitness goals then consider some personal training in London (Clapham) or metabolic typing on line.

Hope you are well

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching

Thursday, 7 August 2008

Rugby fitness training - How to gain muscle and sprint training

Top articles:

How to build muscle - Gain mass for next season.

Sprint training - Out pace your teammates this pre-season.

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Rugby fitness training

The first article today details how to build muscle. The desire to gain weight is often the main goal for players in the gym. I feel the focus on gaining size is a detriment to most players training routines. Contrary to popular belief it is the strength of a rugby player that determines on field success not the size of their muscles.

Traditional body builder training does not produce the same improvements on the field as traditional strength training. The article today details how to gain muscle and optimize your body for the rugby field.

The second article covers sprint training. This is one of the most important areas for training and one that sadly is not really done in team training. There is no substitute for speed and the article today details the different types of speed and ways to improve your ability.

If you need any help this off-season to maximise your abilities come the start of next season then consider my Rugby mentor or Rugby nutrition courses.

Hope your training is going well

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching

The history and evolution of Metabolic typing, static stretching and how my client lost 2 dress sizes.

Top articles:

The history and evolution of metabolic typing.
Static stretching - Start today and feel the differences within days.
Charlotte Walker - 2 dress sizes down and now free from back pain.

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one2one nutrition news

The first article reviews the evolution and history of metabolic typing. The science of Metabolic typing is based on the theory of adaption. Which states animals (including humans) adapt to the land before them through natural selection.

The article looks at the more recent developments of the science which started with Weston A Price and his global study of how different tribes consume different diets depending on their location around the world. Read more about how the science developed and why you must incorporate these ideas if you want to optimize your health and fitness.

The second article looks at static stretching. I love stretching and find it the perfect way to wind down or relax after an exercise session or week of work. You can do it anywhere from in front the TV to down the park. Today's article gives you an overview of how, what and why you should stretch.

The final piece is a case study about my client Charlotte Walker. She came to me just before her birthday with the goal of losing weight and easing her back pain. She is now 2 dress sizes down and free from her back pain. Read about how she did it in the final article today.

If you would like further support in achieving your health and fitness goals then consider some personal training in London (Clapham) or metabolic typing on line.

Hope you are well

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching

Friday, 4 July 2008

Rugby Fitness Training newsletter - what hunger means for gaining muscle and core training.

Hunger - What this means for building muscle and getting results.

Core training - Get your middle strong and watch your strength go through the roof.

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Rugby fitness training

The first article today relates to hunger and what this means for your results. Most rugby players take hunger as a sign they have the green light to eat any old rubbish because they train so much. This is lunacy and explains the lack of 6 packs in any rugby dressing room.

What hunger really means is discussed in the first article and you can use the form provided to eliminate its effects and dramatically improve your results from training.

The second article revisits Core training. Often this area is overlooked by players yet it forms the foundation of speed and strength. I would urge you to read the article today and ensure you are using these techniques within your training plan.

If you need any help this off-season to maximise your abilities come the start of next season then consider my Rugby mentor or Rugby nutrition courses.

Hope your training is going well

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip

What is a metabolic type? Do you breathe correctly? and EFT for a headache.

What is a metabolic type?
Do you breathe correctly? Exercises to improve your technique.
Using EFT to remove a headache.

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one2one nutrition news

The first article this week is a tiny bit on the scientific side but it allows you to understand further about Metabolic Typing. When it comes to nutrition discovering your Metabolic Type is the single biggest measure you could take. The first article details what a Metabolic Type is and what this means.

The second article relates to breathing technique. Most people think because they are getting air in and out of their body they must be breathing correctly. The reality is most people have faulty breathing patterns. It is an area I am focusing on now as a key criteria for improving my own fitness levels. The article gives you some exercises you can do.

The final article relates back to one of the classic uses of EFT. So many of my clients have found EFT removes their headache. It should be your first port of call whenever you have a headache or any other pain for that matter.

If you would like further support in achieving your health and fitness goals then consider some personal training in London (Clapham) or metabolic typing on line.

Hope you are well

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching

Friday, 20 June 2008

Gym exercises to get in shape and an example metabolic typing diet plan

Top articles:

A metabolic typing diet plan - See the different foods you may need.
Effective exercise for weight loss using your gym.
Beverley Colley - Read how she lost 2 stone using metabolic typing.

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one2one nutrition news

One of the biggest fallacies in health and nutrition is that there is a one size fits all diet that will work for all of us. Metabolic typing has different nutrition plans for different people depending upon how your body is functioning

The first article today shows two metabolic typing diet plans. You can see how different foods have contrasting effects on the body. Though these cannot be followed unless you know your metabolic type they will hopefully serve to show that no two foods have the same effect. Remember if you are not getting results now there is a good chance the foods you are eating may not be healthy for your body.

The second article details some exercises you can do in the gym to accelerate and promote weight loss. The combination of correct exercise and correct eating is an irresistible force when it comes to weight loss.

The final article is a short review of my client Beverley Colley who lost two and a half stone in almost no time. She is now looking and feeling great. It is always great to see large transformations in body weight as it has such a great influence in all areas of your life. Well done Beverley.

If you would like further support in achieving your health and fitness goals then consider some personal training in London (Clapham) or metabolic typing on line.

Hope you are well

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT DipOn line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching

Rugby fitness training - Resistance exercise and common gym mistakes

Top articles:

Common mistakes seen in the gym - Be sure you avoid doing these.
Resistance training - Increase your speed, strength and size.

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Rugby fitness training

There were some good matches of test rugby this weekend and a sensational try by Shane Williams against South Africa. At the moment the Welsh winger is one of the best in the world. Despite being tiny he is credited as being one of the strongest in the weights room and this is crucial to his success.

The articles today discusses the gym by giving an overview of the most common mistakes made by players and how you should use the gym to focus on strength training.If done correctly you can increase your speed, strength and size in the gym. Most players just focus on trying to build size and often are ineffective at this.

Ensure you read both articles to discover how you can maximise your training plan for on field improvements.

If you need any help this off-season to maximise your abilities come the start of next season then consider my Rugby mentor or Rugby nutrition courses.Hope your training is going wellBen Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching

Why you crave certain foods, breaking an exercise plateau and EFT for knee pain

Top articles:

Why you crave certain foods and how this relates to your body shape
Are you exercising but not getting fitter?
EFT to remove a chronic knee pain.

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one2one nutrition news

We all crave foods from time to time. A food craving can come from a nutritional need, a desire for water or from an emotional and behavioural connection to eating.

The first article details the different types of foods people crave. This can vary greatly between any two individuals. The article shows how this is linked to your body shape and what you can do with this information. The reality of food cravings is they are just a symptom of another problem. They are either from a miscalculated nutrition programme or a sign of emotions which need addressing.

The second article discusses hitting an exercise plateau. This is a common problem for regular exercisers. The goal of exercise should be on making you fitter and stronger week by week and month to month. Many exercisers are not actually getting fitter nor stronger because their body has become bored with the exercise programme.

Read more about this in the second article.The final link details an EFT case study about a 5 year knee pain. I have used EFT in exactly the same way as this article details. It is amazing to see someone's pain disappear before your very eyes but this often happens when you use EFT to address underlying emotions to a pain.

If you would like further support in achieving your health and fitness goals then consider some personal training in London (Clapham) or metabolic typing on line.
Hope you are wellBen Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT DipOn line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT London personal trainer Rugby fitness training information and coaching

Thursday, 29 May 2008

Food rotation - Follow this principle and start losing weight now.

Top articles:

Food rotation - Follow this principle and start losing weight now.
Aerobic training - Get fit and feel great!
EFT - How could tapping stop this ladies 6 year neck pain & IBS

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one2one nutrition news

The first article today details rotating your foods. As creatures of habit we all like to eat the same or similar meals day in day out. This is not so bad if you are sure you are eating the right meals for your body but most people are not.

Even when you are eating the right foods it is important to try to rotate what you are eating so in any one week you can go two days without consuming any one specific food or food group.

Read the first article today to follow this principle using the system I have set out and watch your body transform over the weeks to come.

The second article follows on from learning to run last week. This is about other forms of aerobic exercise and what to do once you have established the ability to run.

The final article is a link through to the EFT website. Most people do not believe the mind nor emotions are connected to your physical body. This is a little ironic as most people understand the placebo effect which is the other side of the same coin.

The article details the effect of EFT on a six years neck pain and also on IBS. When EFT works on physical symptoms it is something that transforms your view point on how the body works. I would encourage you to try this for yourself and see how it affects you.

If you would like further support in achieving your health and fitness goals then consider some personal training in London (Clapham) or metabolic typing on line.
Hope you are well

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching

Wednesday, 21 May 2008

rugby fitness training - Make the most of your off season

Top articles:

Be awesome next season - Maximise your off-season.
Aerobic training - Maximise your performance for 80 minutes.
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Rugby fitness training

The time is here to transform your performance levels ready for next season. The dynamics of rugby means it is difficult to make major gains in fitness during the season because of all the knocks you pick up. This means your off-season becomes the most important time of the year for your training.

The first article details some key ingredients your off-season has to cover. At the same time the article has links to how you could work with me and guarantee you are in amazing shape come next season.

Working with me you could have your own four month training programme and find out exactly what foods will give you the best possible results.

The second article details aerobic training. This is a fundamental training technique and important for rugby players. Read the article to gain insight into the demands of rugby and how you can match these through aerobic training.

Hope your training is going well

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching

COuld this be the reason you struggle to lose weight?

Top articles:

Food sensitivities - A major factor if you want to lose weight.
Learn to run - Become a jogger in just a few weeks.
George Fox - 12 months on his great results are still in place. Read how he got his energy back and transformed during my course>>>

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one2one nutrition news

Food sensitivities are a major reason why people fail to achieve the results they desire. A food sensitivity is a subtle negative reaction to a food. Often you will not spot this until the food is eliminated for a good few days. The first article details food sensitivities. If you are struggling to lose weight then this article is a must read.

The second article is a simple plan to have you running in just a few weeks. The summer is here and there is no better time to be outside exercising. Anyone can learn to jog and there is not better time than the present.

The final article details the story of George Fox. I like to keep you posted on how my clients have progressed. You will remember four weeks ago I told you how Anu Brady had maintained her amazing results for over a year. A week before I told you about Ghislain who had lost 21 Kg. He is now down 25 Kg.

Today I revisit the story of George Fox. He was suffering extreme low energy when we began working together. As you can read he made a great transformation and now almost a year later he has maintained and improved upon the results he achieved.

If you would like further support in achieving your health and fitness goals then consider some personal training in London (Clapham) or metabolic typing on line.
Hope you are well

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching

Friday, 16 May 2008

Why you may gain weight for no apparent reason

Top articles:

Why you may gain weight for no apparent reason - Your body's changing nutritional needs.
Resistance training - The quickest way to exercise into shape.
Uses of EFT - Clearing emotional events, breaking cravings, controlling physical pain, phobias and more>>>

Signed up for the newsletter yet? Confirm your subscription and receive a bonus information guide on a choice of four topics.

one2one nutrition news

Over the last few weeks I could sense that my body felt slightly different. This feeling was accompanied by a gain in body fat of 1% despite doing nothing different. I have seen this many times before and knew I had to re-test my metabolic type.

As I predicted my body had changed and I am now a different metabolic type. This means I need to eat different foods to before.This event is quite common and many of my clients come to me with similar stories about how they gained weight despite doing nothing different. If nothing has changed externally then it must be inside where the changes have occurred. This issue is covered in the first article today.

The second piece revisits resistance training and its effect on losing fat. If you are trying to get in shape fast then this should be the first place of call in your exercise routine.

Resistance training has some unique benefits. One of these is a change to your hormonal environment which promotes fat loss. As with everything in life there are ways to do it right and way to do it wrong. Review this article to be sure you are on the right track.

The final piece details the many amazing benefits Emotional freedom technique (EFT) can bring. I would suggest you look here for a solution to any issues or problems you have had for over a year. EFT is a technique which often works where all else has failed.

If you would like further support in achieving your health and fitness goals then consider some personal training in London (Clapham) or metabolic typing on line.

Hope you are well

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Weight loss and exercise in a nutshell

Top articles:

Weight loss in a nut shell - A fast and simple overview.
Exercise in a nut shell. - A fast and simple overview
Watch this inspiring video of a disabled war veteran's transformation.

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one2one nutrition news

The sun is out here today and it is still not too late to be looking great come the summer. The first article outlines exactly what you need to do to lose body fat and make that happen.

The second article sums up exercise, the different components and how it should be rotated over time. Doing exercise is so easy and fun everyone should have some sort of routine in their life. Read more today for ideas on how to easily put that routine into place.

The final link is to a You Tube video about Arthur Boorman, a disabled war veteran. In this great clip you will see him lose 60 Kg (130 lb) and regain the ability to walk in just under a year. For anyone with a health and fitness goals this is inspirational stuff. It shows just what the human body can achieve when pushed. What ever your goal let this video inspire you to take action today towards attaining success.

If you would like further support in achieving your health and fitness goals then consider some personal training in London (Clapham) or metabolic typing on line.

Hope you are well

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching

Rugby fitness training newsletter - Stretching and flexibility

Rugby fitness training - Flexibility and stretching

Top articles:

Flexibility - How it influences performance.
Static stretching - What, how and why to stretch.
Active stretching - Follow this programme to warm up.

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Rugby fitness training

The newsletter today focuses on flexibility. This is often a weak area for rugby players.Flexibility is important because it is a foundation upon which efficient and effective movement mechanics can be built.

For success on a rugby field you do not need to be able to do the splits but you do need to be able to perform all the movements demanded by 80 minutes of play.Closely tied into flexibility is having a perfect posture.Through stretching the tight muscles within your body you will be able to restore perfect posture which is when the body is at it's strongest and most efficient.

The first article today discusses flexibility in general, the second focuses on static stretching while the third is detailing active stretching. Read each of these articles to be sure you are covering this element within your training plan.

We are nearing the end of the season, what training plan will you be following this Summer?

Hope your training is going well

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching

Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Free tele seminar on weight loss and effective exercises at home you can do

Top articles:

Lead Britain to wellness campaign - My Free tele seminar for you.
Effective exercises you can do at home to get in shape
Using EFT to stop self sabotaging your weight loss.

Signed up for the newsletter yet? Confirm your subscription and receive a bonus information guide on a choice of four topics.

one2one nutrition news

The summer is just around the corner and I am taking part in the Lead Britain to wellness campaign. This week I will be presenting a tele seminar on how you can kick start your efforts to get in shape.

Follow the link today to sign up for the free Tele seminar. I will be recording it Wednesday and it should be live on the site to listen to or download shortly afterwards. In the talk I will discuss how to use nutrition, exercise and emotional freedom technique (EFT) to get results.

The second article details effective exercises you can do at home today which could help you lose weight. Stop making excuses and look at these simple suggestions. You could even do some of them while reading this newsletter!

The final article today is about self sabotage when trying to lose weight. So many people struggle to lose weight year after year and this often begins in childhood. The article details how one lady broke her cycle with food and weight loss using EFT.

If you would like further support in achieving your health and fitness goals then consider some personal training in London (Clapham) or metabolic typing on line.

Hope you are well

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching

Thursday, 24 April 2008

what food will make you look great this summer and how Anu went from a dress size 16 to a 10.

Top articles:

Metabolic typing - What you should eat to look great this summer
Sleep yourself thin - Do you need more sleep to lose weight?
Anu Brady - How she went from a dress size 16 to a 10.
Lead Britain to wellness campaign - Free teleseminar series for you.

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one2one nutrition news

The summer is just around the corner. The gym is busy once more as people eagerly try to get in shape for their upcoming holidays.The first article takes you right down to the basics of getting in shape.

Quite simply, your nutrition lies at the heart of getting results. Central to this is discovering what foods will actually help you lose weight.

Contrary to popular belief there is no such thing as a healthy food per se, only a healthy food in relation to your body. This means we may need to eat different foods to lose weight. Metabolic typing is the system to accurately determine what foods you need to lose weight. Read about it in the first article.

The second article discusses sleep and how it can influence whether you are in shape this Summer. Sleep is an overlooked factor for most people in getting results yet this is when the body can respond to the exercise and good nutrition you have been eating. There are a few principles about sleep you need to understand which are covered in the article.

The third piece is the story of my client Anu Brady. I trained her earlier this week and it reminded me that not only has she gone from a dress size 16 to a 10 she has maintained her results and is still a size 10 a year later. Great stuff! Read about how she did it in the final article today.

One last bit of information is the Lead Britain to Wellness campaign. I have joined up with 9 other personal trainers from across the UK. Over the next ten weeks we will all take a Seminar. I am not sure when I am speaking but do follow the link to sign up for the series. The first 500 places are free. and the teleseminar series begins today.

If you would like further support in achieving your health and fitness goals then consider some personal training in London (Clapham) or metabolic typing on line.

Hope you are well

Ben Wilson
One2one Nutrition

Personal training London - Your London personal trainer,
Metabolic typing advisor and EFT - Emotional freedom technique Therapist

Rugby fitness training news letter -The mental aspects to rugby performance

Top articles:

Sports psychology - Getting the mental edge in rugby performance.
Emotional freedom technique (EFT) - Control your negative emotions before playing.
Lead Britain to wellness campaign - Free teleseminar series for you

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Rugby fitness training

The first article today is an overview of the psychology behind rugby performance. The goal of sports psychology is to get you to play to 100% of your physical abilities and potential.The mind is the key in almost everything you do in life and playing sports is no different. Read todays article for elements to consider about your mind set during a game.

The second feature is on Emotional freedom technique (EFT). This powerful tool can transform your mind set, remove negative emotions or concerns about performance and even help physical injuries.It is rapidly expanding and has widespread application to rugby players.

It is also an invaluable method to be used by people looking to lose weight. It can break connections to foods and allow you to go on to achieve your goals.

One last bit of information is the Lead Britain to Wellness campaign. It is not rugby related but may be of interest to you or your friends/family. I have joined up with 9 other personal trainers from across the UK.

Over the next ten weeks we will all take a Seminar. I am not sure when I am speaking but do follow the link to sign up for the series. The first 500 places are free and the teleseminar series begins today.

Hope your training is going well

Ben Wilson

Rugby fitness training
Author of Rugby fitness training: A twelve month conditioning programme

Thursday, 17 April 2008

How to flatten your stomach and how my client Ghislain lost 21 Kg

Top articles:

The core - How to flatten your stomach.
What is a healthy food?
Ghislain - How he lost 9 Kg since working with me (21 kg in total)

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one2one nutrition news

The first article relates to how you can flatten your stomach without even losing any body fat. The core refers to the groups of muscles that surround the spine and support your whole mid section.When these muscles are strong they will automatically flatten and pull your stomach inwards.

Read the article today for the full run down on how you can use this area of exercise to look thin and also protect your back at the same time.

The second article talks about the whole concept of healthy food. One of the reasons everyone is struggling to lose fat these days is that we have been conditioned to believe there is one healthy nutrition strategy for everyone. To compound this the one size 'healthy diet' we are told to follow is not the best it could be.

Read this article to learn and understand why the very foods you are eating may be causing you to gain body fat and why there is no one nutrition strategy that everyone should follow.

The final link is a case study from my client Ghislain Juvanon. He has an amazing story to tell and has so far lost 21 Kg. He came to me after already making some great strides on his own.

Working together we have accelerated his progress so that he lost a further 9kg and almost 6 inches around his waist.Take a look at the picture of him holding up the trousers he used to wear just two years ago. They were a full 10 inches bigger.

This story should act as inspiration to anyone who feels they have a lot to lose and finding it a little daunting to start your journey.

If you would like further support in achieving your health and fitness goals then consider some personal training in London (Clapham) or metabolic typing on line.

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching

Friday, 11 April 2008

April 11th - Rugby fitness training - How to get a 6 pack and the benefits of plyometric training.

Top articles:

How to get a 6 pack - Nutrition nutrition nutrition!!!

Plyometric training - Jump, bounce and hop your way to better speed and performance.

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Rugby fitness training

The first article today details the key ingredient to getting a 6 pack. That is your nutrition. You can do all the training in the world but if you do not get your nutrition right you will never a get a six pack.

To have a set of abs you need to reduce the fat over them so your muscle definition can be seen.To get your nutrition right you must eat the right foods, in the right amounts and avoid any foods your body may be highly sensitive towards.

Metabolic typing is the nutrition system tailored to your exact needs to allow you to get the results you desire.Nutrition is such a difficult area for most people because we are all very different. What works for one person will not work for the other.

How do you know if you have got your nutrition right at the moment? Take a look at whether you have or have not got a six pack? Metabolic typing can guide you to find the exact foods your body actually needs not just what you think and hope you need

The second article looks at the subject of plyometrics. To do this type of exercise you need to perform jumps, hops and bounds. These movements charge the muscles to be able to produce force rapidly and efficiently.

Fast and efficient force production is what determines sprinting speed and thus plyometrics are a vital tool for rugby performance.

Hope your training is going well

Ben Wilson

Rugby fitness training
Author of Rugby fitness training: A twelve month conditioning programme

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching

April 11th - Preventing back pain, chocolate cravings and how to stretch.

Top articles:

How to prevent and rehabilitate knee, back and hip pain.
Static stretching - How to maximise the benefits from stretching.
Chocolate cravings - How to control them using EFT.

Signed up for the newsletter yet? Confirm your subscription and receive a bonus information guide on a choice of four topics.

one2one nutrition news

Almost everyone has suffered or currently is suffering from pain in their knees, hips or back. I would say the majority of my clients have a weakness in one of these areas.

Often a weakness is lurking below the surface so the only time you can see the injury is when the body is put through an exercise routine. e.g. your knees hurt when you go jogging or squatting to the floor etc.

The great thing about injuries is that you can remove almost all of them using the simple techniques outlined above. A must read if you have any aches at the moment.

Closely linked to this is the second article on static stretching. I have lost count of how many back injuries I have cleared up using just static stretching. Often stubborn 3 or 4 year injuries just disappear upon the application of some clever stretching.

Stretching is not as simple as it first appears so read the key points in the article today.

The final piece today is a link to the EFT site which details how to address chocolate cravings. This one food can be the main stumbling block to some peoples success.

I have found that you must first identify the mental connection between you and the chocolate (or any other food / behaviour) then use EFT amongst other techniques to remove it.

If you would like further support in achieving your health and fitness goals then consider some personal training in London (Clapham) or metabolic typing on line.

Hope you are well

Ben Wilson
One2one Nutrition

Personal training London - Your London personal trainer,
Metabolic typing advisor and EFT - Emotional freedom technique Therapist

Monday, 7 April 2008

April 7th Newsletter - Exercise psychology, supplements and EFT for pain management

Top articles:

Supplements - Why some help and some do more harm than good
Exercise psychology - Use these techniques to outwit yourself into exercise and on towards great fitness.
EFT and physical pain - Can you really tap pain away?

Signed up for the newsletter yet? Confirm your subscription and receive a bonus information guide on a choice of four topics.

One2one nutrition news

The newsletter today starts off with an article on supplements. I do not mention supplements that much within my newsletters as my main concern is that most people are eating the wrong foods for their body while thinking they are healthy.

Supplements are another area of nutrition where the advice is as confused as ever. In my article today I outline what supplements can be used for, which can be beneficial and how some can do you more harm than good.

The second article is on the psychology of exercise. Following these simple techniques you should be able to trick yourself into exercise every time you put up an excuse not to do some.I find the key is convincing yourself to start doing some exercise.

Once you get going you usually enjoy it and feel grateful you did some. Use the tips outlined in the second article to achieve this.

The final feature is a link to the EFT website detailing how using Emotional freedom technique can reduce and sometimes remove a physical pain.When learning EFT I was astounded when my calf injury from rugby disappeared after one minute of tapping. When the same happened on a client with knee pain I submerged myself in the study of this strange looking but fantastic technique.

Pick from one of the many case studies on the site and try it yourself. You may just be surprised with the results.

If you would like further support in achieving your health and fitness goals then consider some personal training in London (Clapham) or metabolic typing on line.

Hope you are well

Ben Wilson
One2one Nutrition

Personal training London - Your London personal trainer,
Metabolic typing advisor and EFT - Emotional freedom technique Therapist

Friday, 7 March 2008

News letter March 6th

Top articles:

How many good meals a week do you need for results?
Goal setting - Listen to me discuss how to set your goals.
Top ten mistakes made in the gym - Part 2.

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one2one nutrition news

The first article is a discussion about how many meals a week you need to eat to get results.

It is common to see people blaming a meal out on a Saturday for the reason they have failed to get any results.The article details how it is never that one meal that prevents success but rather the whole week and percentage of the meals within it.

The second article is an audio recording and goals sheet for you to download. This can be used to plan out and decide exactly what you are trying to achieve.

The final article is the second part from last week. It details the next five most common gym mistakes made day in day out.

If you would like further support in achieving your health and fitness goals then consider some personal training here in London (Clapham) or metabolic typing on line.

Hope you are well

Ben Wilson
One2one Nutrition

Personal training London - Your London personal trainer,
Metabolic typing advisor and EFT - Emotional freedom technique Therapist

Friday, 29 February 2008

A better or worse approach to healthy living - Let this attitude free your mind

A Better or worse approach to health

This principle is perhaps the key element underpinning how to make choosing healthy choices an easy and fun thing do.

It drives me crazy when I hear people say "that XXX is bad" or "XXX is healthy". Statements such as above are unhelpful and cause more harm than good.

Let me illustrate. First ask yourself these questions about how the following activities impact your health and whether they are good or bad:

Eating cereal for your breakfast
Running 10 km
Drinking milk.
Eating one piece of chocolate a day.
Being 18 stone (115 Kg, 250 Lbs).

I am sure you have gathered the answers to these. The truth is you cannot answer these questions with the information you have.

Do not get me wrong, you will find a million experts on TV, radio and amongst your friends happy to tell you that the above behavior is good or bad for you. The truth is these behaviors cannot be answered as good or bad.

Life is relative - nothing is absolute.

The strange thing in life is everyone is desperate to label things. People want to label you as a certain type of person, they want to label things good or bad and people want to label your behaviour.

This is beyond logic. The only way to deem something good or bad is to compare it (silently or subconsciously) to something else. Therefore if it is compared to something else you are talking better or worse. Let me explain why this is important using the above statements:

Eating cereal for your breakfast -

The TV adverts tell you this is the way to go but what if you are intolerant to Milk and / or wheat. Would it be better to have no breakfast rather than cereal if this is the case? Maybe changing the cereal would help. What if I had left over dinner for breakfast? The truth is some people will do awful having breakfast for cereal each day and not achieve their goals. However some people will do well on it. It is neither good nor bad as a general term.

Running 10 km -

If your muscles are not working efficiently then the joints are not protected and running will cause more harm than good. However there are very few people who cannot correct these imbalances and then use jogging effectively for many of the amazing benefits it has to offer. Whether 10km is ideal depends on how often you run it and what your body is able to handle. Some experts would say this is too much aerobic exercise but compared to doing nothing which is better? You cannot say running is good nor bad.

Drinking milk -

Promoted as good for your bones is milk good for you? What if you are intolerant to it, would it be better to have none than to continue to have it for the calcium? Maybe it is not a lack of calcium in your body that is stopping you losing weight, maybe it is another mineral, and would drinking milk help that? Deeming milk good or bad does not come close to answering these questions.

Eating one piece of chocolate a day -

Questions to ask would include how much chocolate are you having, what would happen if you did not eat this chocolate? Would it be better to spend 10 minutes on your mental connection to chocolate than going down the gym today or watching that TV show? Eating chocolate like all other health issues is neither good nor bad. The question is how much can you eat and get the results you want?

Being 18 stone (115 Kg, 250 Lbs) -

If I was 20 stones last month would being 18 stone this month be considered bad? What if it was the reverse?The above should show you that it is time to drop the good or bad labeling for ever because it is irrelevant and does not help you in any way.

View the world as better or worse

I must reiterate this as it is one of the most important principles in losing weight and the key to free your mind mentally. Adoption of this one mental strategy is enough to get you to your goals if you truly understand its power and meaning.

Tell your friends and experts alike.

When your friends, family or celebrity TV experts next say something is bad you should immediately ask………compared to what? When someone tells me something is good or bad I almost immediately switch off as it shows they have no truly thought about what they are saying.

Such statements are very counter productive. They undermine your beliefs and the result is you feel trapped.In the end you hear so many people say everything is bad it becomes almost pointless and you think, what am I meant to eat?.....I will just eat anything.

I had this exact feeling a few years ago. I went to many lectures on organic food. All I heard was how non organic food was bad for you. These world respected lecturers provided a strong argument about how bad non organic food could be for your health.The result was I didn't want to eat non organic vegetables. However this left me in an awkward position when I could not find any organic vegetables.

I would therefore not eat as much as I should have and often felt hungry. A hungry person is almost guaranteed to eat refined foods or quick fix options which compared to eating non organic vegetables is not even in the same ball park.

At this stage I realized that these experts had it all wrong. Yes, their meaning was correct in lets try to eat organic vegetables. However their message of delivery was poor. However it showed me that everything is along a scale and that I must always ask myself the better or worse questions.

For the above I would now ask if it is better to eat these non organic vegetables compared to going hungry and being tempted to eat pastries, breads and other foods that dominate our diet now. For me the answer is a resounding yes for non organic vegetables. Would it be the same for you?

View the world as relative.

I want you to switch off when you hear someone say that something is bad for you or good for you. Instead ask how it could be better or worse in comparison to other behaviours and how you can improve what you are doing.

Take this attitude further for great results.

If you want to adopt this attitude and then use metabolic typing, exercise and EFT to achieve your health and fitness goals then consider working with me through personal training here in London or On line.

Ben Wilson BSc (Hons) CSCS NSCA-CPT CMTA EFT Dip
On line metabolic typing, fitness training and emotional freedom technique (EFT)
London personal trainer
Rugby fitness training information and coaching